Editing & Deleting ToDos

Edit a ToDo

When opening a ToDo, and depending on user rights, ToDo can be edited. Admin users can edit and remove any ToDo in the project. The ToDo creator can edit and remove its own ToDos. 

ToDos assignee can only edit the ToDos assignee field.

Assigning ToDos

You can only assign the ToDo if you are the administrator of the project, or if you have created the ToDo.

ToDos can be assigned to multiple users at once, and to user groups. All project members are listed in the dropdown, in alphabetical order, surname first. If there is no assignee, the field is left empty, which is the default option.

Learn more about ToDo permissions ›

To assign a ToDo

Delete a ToDo

Only the creator of a ToDo or the Project Administrator can delete ToDos. 

CAUTION: Deleting ToDos from the project cannot be undone. Deleting the ToDo will delete it for everyone it was assigned to and all the data as well.

To delete a ToDo

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