Admin Installation
Administrative installation of Trimble Connect for Windows allows company IT administrators to distribute and install Trimble Connect to their users in a centralized way. This is necessary when user rights prevent users from self-installing the software and when company IT administrators want to manage the usage of software versions in their domain.
The installer requires administrative rights. Trimble Connect for Windows interface is meant to be installed to all users, and per-user installation is not allowed. If you use the command line to set ALLUSERS="", the installer will override the setting and it is set to ALLUSERS=1.
Distribute Trimble Connect for Windows
Download the latest installer
Sign in to Trimble Connect
Download Trimble Connect for Windows application from the Trimble Connect App Store.
Verify the installer
Open the installer properties, check the Digital Signature, and make sure it is signed by Trimble Solutions Corporation.
Create a folder for prerequisites (d:\preq is used in this example).
Create a folder for Trimble Connect Desktop installer (d:\installer is used in this example).
Extract installer files
Open the command line (cmd) and navigate to the folder where the Trimble Connect for Windows installer can be found.
Execute the command:
TrimbleConnectSetup-VersionNumber-x64.exe /ad:\preq
The installer starts running.Installation wizard will ask to specify the folder for the installer, use d:\installer and finish the installation.
Now you should have all prerequisites under the folder d:\preq, each in its own subfolder.
In the d:\installer folder is found the Trimble Connect.msi, as well as the folder content for program files and program data. When running the msi installer, it will install the folder structure and files under program files. It is suggested to use the .msi installer instead of copying the folder structure.
Now you can use your distribution process for all these files.
Next Topic: Updating the Installation