Model Grids

Using Model Grids

Grids can be contained in ifc models, or can be a model by themselves. They are slightly different than other models and Trimble Connect for Windows provides controls specifically for grids.

Zoom In on A Grid Line 

Go To a Grid Line

You can use the Go to command to go to the selected point on the grid line and align the view parallel to the grid plane. The command is not available in orthogonal mode.

Turn a View Perpendicular to a Grid Plane

Right-click the grid and select Plane view from the context menu

Grid Visibility

When adding a grid or a model containing a grid to the project, the grid button is shown next to the model in the Models Tab. That button allows to enable/disabled the grid in the 3D view

Working with Multiple Grids

On top of regular controls, grid visibility can also be adjusted, if the user wants to display only some grid levels in 3D view.

Grid visibility can be controlled by the grid visibility button in the left toolbar.

This button is shown only if there is at least one grid enabled in the 3D. If all grids are disabled, that button will be disabled too. Clicking the arrow opens the grid level menu. From there, users can choose which grid levels are shown. By default, only the elevation 0 is shown.

Checking the different grid levels makes them visible in the 3D, un-checking hides them. All visibility settings done to grids can be saved as part of a View


If a grid is disabled in the Models Tab, it won’t appear in the list. 

Next Topic: Changing Model Colors