Snapping & Visualizations

Section Contents


Snapping in 3D indicates which point, edge or surface is going to be picked.

Corner Snapping

Edge Snapping

Face Snapping


You can use the measuring commands in Trimble Connect for Windows to measure distances between points in the 3D View. You can measure the distance between two points, or the shortest vertical or horizontal distance from a point, face, or edge to another object.

As you measure, you will see different visualizations that represent what type of measurement you are creating: perpendicular, point-to-point, point-to-face, point-to-line, line-to-line, line-to-face or face-to-face. 

Perpendicular Measurements

Perpendicular measurements can be identified by the right angle indicator shown at the start or endpoint of a measurement.


Arrows point to the corner points that the start and endpoint was snapped to. 


Arrows point to the corner points that the start and endpoint was snapped to. 

A square is drawn on the object to indicate the face which the endpoint was snapped to.


Arrows point to the corner points that the start and endpoint was snapped to. 

A line will be drawn on the object to indicate the line which the endpoint was snapped to.


A line will be drawn on the object to indicate the line which the endpoint was snapped to.


A line will be drawn on the object to indicate the line which the endpoint was snapped to.

A square is drawn on the object to indicate the face which the endpoint was snapped to.


A square is drawn on the object to indicate the face which the endpoint was snapped to.

Next Topic: Creating Measurements